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Estelline Area Economic Development Corporation & Estelline Horizons

The Estelline Area Economic Development Corporation was organized in 1987 to help improve the Estelline area economy by helping new and existing businesses expand and attract new residents to the area.

Some of the things the EAEDC has done in the past 5 years have been:

  • Summer Fun Drawing (everyone who stopped at an Estelline Business May thru Aug, could sign up for a weekly drawing),
  • Community Picnic (everyone who signed up for our summer drawings was entered in our Grand Prize drawing),
  • Spotlight on Estelline Ads in the Estelline Journal,
  • free ad to local businesses in the Estelline Journal to help them promote their place of business,
  • Congratulations Party for the Estelline School District on their “Blue Ribbon School Award”,
  • purchased Vi’s Corner building, tore down the building and resold the lot to an existing business,
  • relocate Little Hearts Daycare,
  • brought 3 new businesses to Estelline (New Life Consignment, Hofer Lumber, and Axtell Printing),
  • loans to existing businesses to help with equipment purchases, and
  • Purchased a building on the south end of Main Street and are now renting it to 2 businesses.

For a small town we have had lots of progress and development in the past 5 years. We hope we can continue with this trend in the future.

The Estelline Horizons was started in 2006 as an outreach project to engage local citizens to help make positive changes in the community, and to work to reduce poverty both financial and cultural.

One of the ways the Horizon’s is helping out the community is by collecting aluminum cans.  Every time they sell the trailer full of cans they give the money to help a need in town. Some of the areas they have helped are coats, hats, and mittens for kids, the daycare, and many other programs.  Some other things the horizons have done are the community garden (26 plots available), the children’s garden in the summer, outside movies during the summer months, farmers market, food pantry, swimming passes, summer rec. program, disc golf course, and town mural/art in the school.

The EAEDC and Horizons are working hard for the betterment of the community.

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